Healthcare Facility Management
Healthcare Facility Management
Benchmarking Study
How do your O&M Costs compare?
How many maintenance technicians do you need at your healthcare site?
Are your environmental service costs in check?
The 2019 IFMA Healthcare Facility Management Survey is a national study focused on operations and maintenance benchmarks targeted to the healthcare industry. This study will update 2013 report (see Figure for example data from the previous report).
The 2019 IFMA Healthcare Facility Management Survey is a national study focused on operations and maintenance benchmarks targeted to the healthcare industry. This study will update 2013 report.
Benchmarking data can help FMs developing a business case and identify opportunities for cost savings (based on the relative performance of your facility to that of your peers). The FREE report will allow you to cacluate FTEs and costs by Institution Type, Climate Zone, Geographic Region, Age, Size and other common healthcare baseline metrics such as Adjusted Patient Days and Adjusted Discharges. Some of data in the report includes:
Staffing Levels (# of FTEs, # of Shifts, % In-house vs. contracted)
- Maintenance: Electricians, Plumbers, Controls & Low Voltage, HVAC, Engineers, Management, Administrative Support, and MORE
- Environmental services
Annual Costs ($ / GSF and $ / Discharge)
- Utilities: total annual utility cost, electricity, fuel oil #2, natural gas, chilled water, steam, domestic water, and sewer; Energy Use Index
- Maintenance: total annual maintenance cost, external building, interior systems, roads & grounds, central systems, process treatment; work request & tracking tools
- Environmental services: total annual costs; typical contract terms
- Waste ($ / LBS): solid waste, infectious waste, hazardous waste, others
- Linen services
Please contact Dr. Jake Smithwick at or at (704) 687-5045 if you have any questions.