Project Summit

Industrial Construction Collaboration & Transparency Lead to Greater Project Success

Project Summit is a new vision and approach to delivering projects built upon the principles of trust, collaboration, innovation, and expertise for both the contractual and cultural aspects of delivering construction projects. Project Summit was born out of a group of ABC User Summit participants, who wanted to take the innovations and concepts they were discovering at Users Summit events and build a model to put them into action on real jobs.

The project was an industrial job, approximately $40–$50M in total value, with a construction budget of around $20–$25M. It was begun in April 2020 and concluded in May 2021. For this project, Air Products & Chemical Industry (APCI) was the project owner, UGS was the mechanical contractor, Metro Power (MP) was the electrical contractor, and Kwest Group (Kwest) was the civil and earthwork contractor.

The Simplar team provided assistance with contracting approach, measurement of the teams and individuals, conducted weekly interviews, provided benchmarking services, assessments, and leadership support.

Quantitative Benefits in terms of project performance metrics when compared to similarly sized completed projects.

      • Improved productivity by over 20%.
      • Reduced and avoided costs by over 10%.
      • Reduced total project duration by over 10% (even
        with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic).
      • Improved safety with a decrease of “First-Aid” events
        by 80% to a single event (as compared to similarly
        sized projects with an average of 7–8 events).

Qualitative benefits in terms of project members’ satisfaction of the new work culture and environ- ment caused by the Project Summit approach, when compared to all past projects they have worked.

      • 96% of site crew personnel had Significantly Higher Job Satisfaction on this project
      • 92% of site crew personnel experienced Significantly Greater Levels of Coordination and Collaboration on this project.
      • 100% of site crew personnel experienced Significantly Greater Levels of Communication.
      • 75% of site crew personnel reported this as the Most Innovative Project they had ever worked on due to the culture of constantly looking for better, safer, and faster ways to do the work.
      • 88% of site crew personnel experienced Significantly Higher Levels of Productivity and virtually No Rework.
      • 98% of site leadership (PM, SS, etc.) identified this project as Significantly Better in every category measured. This included extremely high job satisfaction and significant improvements in communication, collaboration, trust, safety, quality,
        and productivity.
      • 100% of all personnel said they would prefer to work on another Project Summit job.
      • 0% (Zero) turnover at the site level due to high levels of job satisfaction